Tattoo Preparation and Aftercare

Preparing the skin for tattooing

When you know you are booked in for a tattoo, it really helps with the tattoo to prepare the skin.

  • Moisturise – Every day for 2 weeks leading up to getting your tattoo. You can moisturise with oil or cream to hydrate the skin for your appointment.

  • Scrub/Exfoliate – 1-5 days before you get your tattoo. This will remove dead skin cells (especially for leg tattoos).

  • Hair removal – Shave the day before your tattoo using soap and water so you don’t give yourself a shaving rash. Don’t forget to moisturise afterwards.

    • If you are waxing, do this 3 days before your tattoo.

  • Hydrate – Drink plenty of water. Your skin is the largest organ, and it is really affected by dehydration.

  • No Alcohol – For 24 hours before your tattoo, please don’t drink alcohol. It dehydrates you and thins your blood, so you bleed more during the tattoo. Also, no one copes well with pain and a hangover.

  • Sleep – Please try and be well rested before your tattoo appointment. A long tattoo session is a huge amount of work for your body, let alone the adrenaline from the excitement of getting inked. You will be tired at the end.

Aftercare of your tattoo

For the first 2-3 days of your tattoo, allow the tattoo to dry out enough that it stops leaking plasma and blood. Wash it a few times a day, air dry or use kitchen towels. Only moisturise with a small amount of the recommended cream when the tattoo is dry.

If I have used second skin on your tattoo, please remove it in the shower with plenty of water and soap. Remove it slowly and gently to prevent damaging your skin, like ripping off a plaster would do. Sad times – be patient. Once removed, clean the tattoo and the skin around it with antibacterial soap and air dry before applying moisturiser.

  • NO submerging your tattoo in water, so no swimming, hot tubs, or baths for 2 weeks.

  • NO sports activities for a week, including the gym.

  • NO direct sunlight until it’s fully healed.

  • Wear clean, loose clothing – cotton is best – to let the tattoo breathe whilst it’s healing. It also minimises rubbing and irritation on the tattoo surface.

  • Once healed, always use factor 50 on your tattoos if they are out in sunlight to keep them looking good for as long as possible. Moisturising will help keep your tattoo bright and hydrated.